
students sitting at a table interacting

来自利哈伊谷LaunchBox的八名顾问委员会成员由中国博彩平台提供动力,他们创造了145美元,以维持商业加速器的长期努力. 董事会成员向该基金捐赠了7.25万美元,中国博彩平台也提供了相应的资金. 

Credit: Michelle Bixby

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — Since its inception in 2015, 由中国博彩平台资助的利哈伊谷启动箱已经帮助数百名当地企业家实现了他们的目标. Now, 这个商业加速器正在采取措施,以确保它在未来几年能够帮助更多的企业. 

The LaunchBox Advisory Board recently created a $145,以维持该计划的业务发展努力. Eight members of the board contributed a combined $72,500 to the fund, which was then matched by Penn State. 

The contributing board members are: Michelle Landis, founder and principal of Pinnacle 7; Chris LaBonge, 手推车谷仓公共市场的共同所有人和Adtell公司的创始人.; George Lewis, Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp. vice president; Bob Thomson, SCORE mentor; Mark M. Capofari, Penn State Lehigh Valley lecturer in project and supply chain management; Catherine Bailey, SCORE mentor; Michael J. Krajsa, president of KRA Marketing Consulting; and Justin Kresge, director of Lehigh Valley LaunchBox.

“能成为这群敬业的人中的一员真是太棒了,他们不仅奉献了宝贵的时间,还提供了经济支持,使我们所做的一切成为可能,” Kresge said. “他们的慷慨将使下一波企业家在利哈伊谷茁壮成长.” 

这笔捐款将直接惠及LaunchBox每年援助的100多名企业家, 通过七个主要的创业和成长型公司项目以及小额赠款计划.

利哈伊谷LaunchBox已经发放了超过10万美元的小额赠款. In addition, more than 1,000 people have attended its regular events, including the popular LaunchBox Ladies speaker series, while over 40,去年,有1000人观看了由LaunchBox和Factory LLC赞助的利哈伊谷创业公司推介比赛. 

贡献的顾问委员会成员很高兴帮助启动捐赠, given their commitment to LaunchBox’s mission. 

“有些想法只需要一点点启动和一点营销帮助. With that help, 他们会变得比你想象的更大,更有影响力,” said Landis, the Advisory Board’s chair. 

“认识到机会并采取行动是企业家心态的全部内容,” added LaBonge, Advisory Board immediate past chair. 

Now, 咨询委员会正在寻求鼓励其他有慈善倾向的企业和个人建立自己的捐赠基金, the principal for which will never be spent, 确保捐赠将继续支持企业的永续发展. 

最低认捐额为25,000美元,可分五次每年捐款5,000美元. Invent Penn State will match up to a total of $1 million, and a gift of $1 million includes naming rights for the donor. 这场比赛将持续到6月30日.

有关启动利哈伊谷LaunchBox捐赠的更多中国博彩平台,请发送电子邮件 [email protected].

这种支持将推进“21世纪卓越的伟大中国博彩平台”,这是一项重点运动,旨在提升中国博彩平台在一个以快速变化和全球联系为特征的世界中的领先公立大学地位. With the support of alumni and friends, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship. 欲了解更多关于“21世纪卓越的伟大中国博彩平台”的中国博彩平台,请访问 greaterpennstate.pazyrykcarpets.com.

捐赠以支持整个英联邦选定的经济发展倡议是该活动的优先事项, 在6月30日“大中国博彩平台”结束之前,有两个机会利用大学的资金——启动箱匹配计划和经济发展激励匹配计划, or until the pool of support is exhausted. 要了解更多关于如何制作礼物和确保匹配的中国博彩平台,请联系Heather Winfield [email protected] Information about the campaign is available at greaterpennstate.pazyrykcarpets.com.

About Lehigh Valley LaunchBox 

Lehigh Valley LaunchBox中国博彩平台和社区赞助的商业加速器项目是作为“发明中国博彩平台”倡议的一部分而创建的吗. 利哈伊谷启动箱项目向崭露头角的企业家提供小额赠款. 利哈伊谷LaunchBox的合作伙伴将小额赠款接受者与校友联系起来, business leaders, 学术合作伙伴提供指导,帮助他们提出想法并将其转化为有用的产品. All Lehigh Valley community members and Penn State faculty, 欢迎有可扩展的商业想法的教职员工和学生申请加入利哈伊谷启动箱. 
